Abstract @club15787787 (@lingualeo Episode 4. Interior design. This episode I have just watched was about different desighns of restaurants, houses etc, in different places of the world. The main events happen in New York, where the designer works onher projects. She also told a little about her childhood that she lived in a progressive family and her parents wanted her to recieve a good profession. Then she showed different places , which designs were worth our attention. The main things of a good design of the room or a restaurant are good materials. They must be combined to create cosiness and comfort in such place. The She also attracted my attention to some old houses in London. Their interior was made up with love and it's important,that a good house interior design is a relationship with materials. The most impressive cities mentioned in this film were London and Stockholm. Itt's told in the film that in London we could see the houses built in 1913. They told tht the older is the house, the morerare and the more beutiful its interior is. And in conclusion I wouldlike to tell, the best interior design is made up, only if people work as a friendly team.

Теги других блогов: London New York Interior Design